A Full Weekend...
Went to the Burning Man Decompression Street party this weekend with Phyxx. Was'nt really planning on going until my "art liason", Bettie June, e-mailed me a pretty-please last week to bring at least part of our piece to the party. I can't say no to that woman apparently. It was a great party-and lots of people had fun in and around our piece...(click to enlarge)

Of course it would have been more fun if Lisa had been able to go-but she was busy hanging her show at the Willow Wood Cafe here in Graton...
Lisa has lots more paintings than I'm showing here-the show's up for at least a month-maybe two-check it out if you can.
(this last one, of course, is the piece that the owners, Mathew and Lulu, bought. I knew it'd look good here.)

Of course it would have been more fun if Lisa had been able to go-but she was busy hanging her show at the Willow Wood Cafe here in Graton...

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